
We invite you to explore this rich collection of knowledge and discover materials that will inspire, inform, and broaden your perspective.

We have digitized over 16,000 books, making previously inaccessible materials available to the public. These digitized resources cover a wide range of subjects, offering valuable content for research, studies, and personal interests. From historical works to scientific texts, the collections provide an extensive resource for users across disciplines.

To explore the collections, you can use our Common Portal (, which brings together digitized works from all partner institutions in one convenient location.

Alternatively, you can explore the individual library repositories of partner institutions to uncover even more local treasures.

Library repositories of partner institutions

AustriaUniversity and Regional Library of Tyrol
EstoniaUniversity of Tartu Library
SloveniaNational and University Library of Slovenia
Czech RepublicMoravian Library in Brno
GermanyGreifswald University Library
SwedenNational Library of Sweden
PolandNicolaus Copernicus University Library
Czech RepublicLibrary of Czech Academy of Sciences
Czech Republic­Olomouc Research Library
PortugalNational Library of Portugal
EstoniaNational Library of Estonia
HungaryNational Széchényi Library
SlovakiaSlovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information
GermanyUniversity Library of Regensburg
LithuaniaVilnius University Library