360 graduation papers from the interwar period have been digitised and opened up to the public

While participating in the international EODOPEN project, Vilnius University Library has digitised and made available more than 360 graduation papers that were prepared in the interwar period and defended at Vytautas Magnus and Vilnius universities.
The entire collection of the graduation papers (archival unit F85) consists of 13,648 titles covering the period of 1925–1994. Bibliographic records on all of these documents are available in the electronic catalogue of VU Library.
Documents that have been digitised within the EODOPEN project are graduation papers that were defended at the faculties of Mathematic–Natural Sciences, Law and Economics and published between 1925 and 1940. The digitised graduation papers were prepared in the interwar period, when in 1922 Vilnius University was transferred to Kaunas (in 1930 the university received the title of Vytautas Magnus).
The collection of research papers shows a wide scope of research topics that were relevant to the public and researchers at the time. The majority of papers were written in the fields of economics, law and social policy.
All 360 digitised graduation papers are publicly available via the Digital Collections of Vilnius University Library.
In 2022 VU Library, taking part in EODOPEN project, has digitised and made available through its Digital Collections 334 publications; messages about EODOPEN activities have reached over 14 thousand individuals.
February 27, 2023